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Sustainability around
Hotel Schloss Eckberg:

Measures in our gardens:

Visitors to our gardens will notice that in the last ten years, due to persistent drought and heat stress, large parts of the old trees in the park forest of the English Garden have died. Due to the garden’s location on a sand dune, beech trees planted between 1800 and 1806 are particularly affected.

In our landscaped grounds, the park forest plays a decisive role in shaping the characteristic appearance of the palace grounds.

In view of a rapidly changing climate with increasingly prolonged periods of heat and unpredictable downpours, structurally rich tree stands are important for cooling neighbouring urban areas. At the same time, they are of great importance for nature conservation as habitats for numerous animal and plant species.

Since tree species react differently to disturbances such as heat, drought, storms, heavy rain and pests, we are trying to achieve natural regeneration of the park’s forests through genetic diversity into a species-rich environment. This process will certainly take decades. Our beautiful park should be protected and made more resilient to heat and drought stress through high genetic diversity and biodiversity. It will remain a challenge to combine ecological resilience with the requirements of heritage conservation. The intensive work of our experienced gardening team takes this into account every day and shapes the way we treat all our flora and fauna.

Measures in our buildings:

Currently, all windows in the castle are being renovated or gradually replaced. This not only preserves value, but also reduces energy costs to a not inconsiderable extent in the long term. Of course, all relevant measures were implemented in close cooperation with the Office for the Protection of Historical Monuments.

This construction work has already been completed on the Kavaliershaus. Here, double-digit savings became apparent after only a short time.

LED lights, water-saving heads and thermostatic valves have also long been standard in our houses.

Extensive measures for the 3 heating systems in our building are beyond the planning stage. New control technology, fine-tuning of the gas boiler, better insulation of all pipes and valves, hydraulic balancing may be routine measures, but they are essential to fully exploit all potential savings.

Measures in our housekeeping:

We rely on regional and seasonal products in the kitchen, use environmentally friendly cleaners, use bulk packaging instead of individual products, pay attention to recycling and strict waste separation, ensure professional use of leftovers and develop more efficient buffets with smaller plates through more frequent replenishment by our kitchen staff. These are all small daily measures, but together they help us to constantly improve our efforts to achieve a better ecological balance.

Measures in our vehicle fleet:

Schloss Eckberg was one of the first hotels in Dresden to switch to e-mobility. Our first charging station has already been joined by a second column, as guest demand has risen sharply. We and our guests very much welcome quiet and environmentally friendly transport on our premises.

The entire team is always developing new ideas in regular meetings, which flow into the overall process and are integrated into the daily work. The catalogue of measures is reviewed weekly, because only continuous action brings the desired success in the long term.

In this way, the entire staff has become very enthusiastic and committed to sustainability, climate and environmental protection in our houses and parks in a very short time.

Sustainability concerns us all.

New Year’s Eve 2024/25

New Year’s Eve 2024/25

Bring the year 2024 to a close in a very special way with a stay at Hotel Schloss Eckberg in the capital city of Saxony.

This offer is bookable during 29 December 2024 to 02 January 2025.

The following services await you:

  • 2 overnight stays in a comfort double room at the cavalier’s house in the park 
  • OR 3 overnight stays in an exclusive double room at the castle
  • each incl. service fee for breakfast buffet in the castle, parking and Wi-Fi 
  • welcome drink by the fireplace in the castle lobby, afterwards 3-course candle light dinner in the castle restaurant
  • 5-course gala dinner incl. champagne aperitif on New Year’s Eve, live musik from the Live-Band for dancing and on-site fireworks
  • rich late-riser breakfast on New Year’s Morning

Total rate for two persons (incl. statutory VAT)

  • in a comfort double room in the cavalier’s house (2 nights)  € 1070.00
  • in an exclusive double room at the castle (3 nights)  € 1520.00
plus -> accommodation tax of the city Dresden, has to be paid directly in the hotel

Schloss Eckberg Night 2025

Schloss Eckberg Night 2025 (castle-nights in Dresden)

Enjoy with us a special evening in the parks of Schloss Eckberg, Schloss Albrechtsberg and Lingnerschloss on Saturday 19 July 2025.. a night full of art, culture and emotions on Dresden’s beautiful natural balcony!

The following services are waiting for you:

  • 2 overnight stays – from Friday, 18 July 2025 to Sunday, 20 July 2025 – incl. service fee for rich breakfast buffet in the castle, parking and Wi-Fi 
  • Coffee & Cake on Saturday from 02:00 to 04:00p.m. in our restaurant in the castle
  • admission fee to the “Schlössernacht” incl. programme and voucher for one drink per person
  • rich late-riser breakfast on Sunday
  • late check-out on Sunday untill 01:00 p.m.

Total rate for two persons (incl. statutory VAT)

  • in an exclusive double room at the castle     -fully-booked-
  • in a deluxe double room at the Kavaliershaus    -with follow-
  • in a comfort double room at the Kavaliershaus  -with follow-